Greenspring Center
for Lifelong Learning

Infant & Toddler Educators

Infant and Toddler educators nurture and inspire the potential of young children as they build a foundation for the rest of their lives. We are here to help.

Infant & Toddler Educators

Resources for you

Infant & Toddler Mentoring Community

Registration is now open for the 2024-25 school year!

The first years of teaching are hard! There are practical aspects that training centers don’t have time to cover in depth. How do I work with families to bridge the gap between school and home during the toilet learning process? How do I share my observations and concerns with parents in a way that builds partnership? How do I balance the workload of being a new teacher and still take care of myself?

Join other educators at your level for weekly online meetings, discussing important topics relevant to the time of year, asking questions, sharing concerns, and mining the collective intelligence of the group. Each cohort is led by an experienced Montessorian, who will share expertise and insight, as well as bring in relevant guest speakers to better address the needs of the group. We are better together!

Upcoming Workshop: Raising Ecological Awareness in Young Children with Tammy Oesting

Tuesdays: September 10, 17 & 24, 2024
From 3:30-6:00pm EST (Virtual via Zoom)

Join us for a workshop that demystifies the science of awe and wonder and empowers you with actionable strategies for infusing these elements into your daily teaching routine. Explore how transcendent experiences can be seamlessly integrated into our classrooms, promoting interconnectivity and nurturing a collective sense of ecological consciousness. This workshop offers a roadmap to becoming a truly responsive educator, ready to ignite lifelong learning in the hearts of your students.

Greenspring Center for Lifelong Learning

Voices in Montessori Podcast

Igniting vibrant and engaging conversations in the Montessori movement to inspire, elevate, and support educators, leaders, and schools.

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